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There is no doubt that the ACREX exhibition show for DurkeeSox is a roaring success!


As a leading expert in fabric air dispersion industry, this section, Durkeesox applied a booth covering 66 Sqm to fully showcase the new product performance. ‘It's the largest stand that I’ve ever seen in fabric ducting industry ’one DurkeeSox visitor said. We glad to find that almost all visitors had been heard about DurkeeSox before. Moreover, most questions of visitors were no longer about product but their ready projects or DurkeeSox case studies. 



The nice breeze from fabric nozzle and adjustable nozzle attracted many visitor’s interesting, so they read the canvas for the product introduction word by word to find out how does the comfortable air dispersion effect come true.


We would like to thank all the approval and interesting of our visitors, customers and friends in ACREX 2015. 

Meanwhile, we will cherish this great experience and keep working towards on improving your indoor air quality.